thoughts on me made may 2018.

Somehow it’s taken me over a month to settle in and write this post. (Which is to say nothing about how long it’s been since I last posted to this blog...) But here I am, happy to jump back in and say how much I loved seeing all the incredible work our community of creators can churn out. It was me made aMAYzing, and so damn inspiring! Made me want to make all the things. All of them!!! I was equally inspired by all of the generous and warm feedback on my own makes. You all filled me with positivity and truly lifted me up. I’m grateful and thank you for that!

This year was definitely the most successful I’ve been at completing the challenge. (Completed last year—peep it on Instagram. Waffled out after about 14 days back in 2012—my first (enthusiastic!) year of sewing.) Obviously, I’ve got a deeper bench of makes this year. I’ve also gotten better at making things I love to wear. I had a relatively easy time pulling together outfits that felt like a natural reflection of myself and my style. Outfits I’d wear even if I weren’t challenging myself to wear handmade all month. And unlike previous years, I actually found documenting these looks to be pretty fun.

      Rachel Comey navigator top | Vogue 1247

      Rachel Comey navigator top | Vogue 1247

      Persephone pants in black denim

      Persephone pants in black denim

      Merchant & Mills Top 64

      Merchant & Mills Top 64

      Here’s a quick tally of the pieces that saw the most wear throughout the month:

        No surprise that half this list is pants/jeans. That’s me. Always will be. And my black silk Ogden cami is probably the single piece of clothing I wear most frequently—handmade or otherwise. I’m pretty sure I finished my Wiksten kimono in the early days of May, but of course it was immediate love. I guess the biggest surprise here is my navigator top, Vogue 1247. I don’t really find myself reaching for it during an average month. But, as May progressed I wanted to wear more light colors, especially next to my face, and this top fit that bill perfectly.

        Wearing dark colors is what comes easiest for me, and it’s no surprise that the month revealed my primary color palette: lots of neutrals, navy, olive + the occasional red or yellow cameo.

        Graineline's Tamarack jacket

        Graineline's Tamarack jacket

        Closet Case Patterns Ginger jeans

        Closet Case Patterns Ginger jeans

        Persephones + there's a hidden Ogden here too

        Persephones + there's a hidden Ogden here too

        Tessuti Leni top

        Tessuti Leni top

        Please know that I love color (have a whole folder set aside on my phone just for capturing cool combos I see around the city) but on average, dressing colorfully doesn't work for me. It just doesn’t feel right. It's good to know this about myself, and it’s made for a very tightly coordinated closet! That said, a few notes to self: Sew up more of the whites, creams and faded clay colors that you love. You also feel fab in grey, but don’t sew with it nearly enough. Experiment even more with textures, silhouettes and details as a way to add interest to your closet. If/when you do see a color (or shucks, maybe even a print!) that you love, snap it up. Then sew with it.

        Notably missing from my handmade closet is a better roster of outwear. If it’s not really hot out, I’m going to be cold. So I just about never leave the house without a layer, and a few more mid-weight jackets would really open up my closet. I’ve had a couple failed outwear attempts, but it’s time to try, try again. I’ve got plans for a jean jacket (and when I say "jean" I’m actually thinking corduroy), also an anorak, and at least one more Wiksten kimono.

        Cline sweater (my first successful sweater!)

        Cline sweater (my first successful sweater!)

        Wiksten kimono + an Ogden 

        Wiksten kimono + an Ogden 

        Grainline's Hadley top

        Grainline's Hadley top

        Something that I can say I'll be making less of is inexpensive knits. I had this moment somewhere during the month when I was like, Man, I have a lot of lounge wear! Not classy, silk Charlie PJs kind of lounge wear (because, that would be amazing). Just a lot of slouchy tees. (And a couple beloved Hudsons.) I guess I’m not really a tee shirt person. It seemed right to make a bunch of these basics, but I don’t think the way I wear them justifies the effort. I want to focus my efforts on quality knits, like the linen one I used for my Adventure tank. That’s a piece I love to wear. Also, at least for now, I’m calling it on sewing bras and undies. I really wanted to be able to stock my underwear drawer with a bevy of fancies, but I’m doing something wrong and they just fall apart too fast. I’m cool buying 5 for $25 at Target and spending my making time on something else.

        Curious to hear what you learned this Me Made May? Even if you didn’t participate, I found being an observer totally educational. (Key takeaway: So much to make! So little time…)