my 2018 make nine plans.

Last year, as everyone else was posting their #makenine plans I was: (1) Super inspired by what I saw. (2) Lost somewhere between surprised and impressed. (Just 9? How do you choooose???) (3) Dubious about that ever being a good idea for me. (Never really had a sewing plan, before… Don’t think I could start now.)

Then, as the end of year #makenine summaries started rolling in, I was buoyed by the realness of everyone’s success and “failures.” Let’s not even call them failures! More often than not it was “something else came up,” or “I just wasn’t feeling it anymore.” That’s not failure. That’s just to be expected with a little creative freedom on the side. And so, this started to sound like the kind of planning that might actually work for me.

Plus, I tried (and loved!) sewing a batch of three projects in three stages of production last year. The three patterns I picked worked well together as a sort of mini collection. (Promise, I'll be back soon to tell you all about that.) Reflecting on this pervious sewing plan success actually got me pretty excited to try out a #makenine plan this year. I think it’ll give me something good to aim for and organize myself around. And of course, there’s no shame in making plans that change or simply don’t materialize. 

Trust me, this plan doesn't even try to capture all my making goals for the year. That’d be both ridiculous and un-fun. Instead, each of the nine pieces in my selection were picked because they’ll be a great addition to my wardrobe, and with luck together they'll form a little mix and matchable collection.


The focus is on clothes that can layer, and work well on cool weather days. I have a funny tendency to want to make tank tops, dresses, and other pieces that might make more sense for vacations and dinner dates than my day job. So, working on that. 

Most of these pics capture the mood and fit of the pieces I'm dreaming of, not the actual patterns. But here’s a list of links where you can find the patterns I’ll be working with to make my mood board dreams come true:

Hadley + Shirt no. 1 + Archer

Morgan jeans + Terra pant + Ultimate trouser  

Kammatia parka + Stevie jean jacket + Wiksten kimono


Now that this little plan is in place, I feel good about it! As far as goals go, this one feels achievable. Plus, I think it’ll help keep me from getting overwhelmed with all the awesome options out there when it comes time to decide what to make next.

Have you got any sewing plans, goals or plans-to-make-a-plan? Curious to hear what works for you + what’s in your queue.

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